Where to even begin? Summer was crazy. Moving. Pittsburgh. Camp. NJ. Baptism. Myrtle Beach. NJ. Rhode Island. Jamaica. Indiana. and back to Jersey. School starts next week. I'm so not ready for this.
As I have been heading back into the cloud of stress that surrounds our school (case in point: we don't even know who all the staff with be yet and school starts in 6 days), I've already begun to struggle with keeping my sanity. I have also been struggling with negativity. It seems that no matter what wonderful things God is blessing me with, I continue to see the worst. This is a new experience and I'm not a huge fan.
So I had hoped to be able to share some profound lessons learned this summer with all my travels, I had wanted to be able to type out a marvelous blog post that would get everyone thinking and bring glory to God. And yet God always amazes me. This time it's with His simple love and His quiet whisperings. Through all the lessons He has taught me in my short walk
I guess, then, that He has reminded me that not only will He use me to bring Him glory, but He will be working within me, doing infinitely more to my own heart and mind than I could have ever realized. No matter what season of my life, no matter how far or near I feel to God, I am reminded to trust that He is working my life, that He has indeed planned out each day before the world even began, that He loves me and is guiding me along the path of His will. Praise be to God for His faithfulness even when I am weak and stubborn.
I am so full of sin, and yet He is powerful and washes all those sins away. I am clean through the blood of Christ. I get the opportunity to wake up each morning and start again. No matter what I had forgotten today or how cranky or negative I was, I will be clean.
"Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives." - Psalm 90:14
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